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Scrap Metal Roundup - 2019

This past season the Scrap Metal Round Up was introduced as another fun activity contest for AKAU guests. As many know, metal detecting for gold can produce a lot of junk as well as gold. So instead of that junk getting tossed back out into the environment, folks are given an incentive to turn that junk in for prizes. That coupled with folks cleaning up junk around the area, the Scrap Metal Roundup was introduced and quickly became a popular competition. Here we would like to introduce some of winners from this past 2019 season.

Wendy Baerster with 14.36 pounds

The above photo has Wendy Baerster who turned in 14.36 pounds is presented with the winning prize from AKAU Staff member Marsha.

Fran with 15.3 pounds

Pictured is Fran from Phoenix, AZ is Fran who turned in 15.3 pounds. Both Fran and Suzy visited AKAU in mid-July and won the Scrap Metal Roundup contest as a Team effort.

Terry from Phoenix, AZ collected 11.95 pounds

Terry from Phoenix, AZ also won the Scrap Metal Roundup Contest during the last part of July 2019. This was a tight contest in that Terry had by only a few ounces.

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